Should the Crime and Courts Bill become law it looks
likely that some publications, perhaps led by the more independent spirits, will
decide not to be regulated under the Royal Charter recognition scheme. The Spectator has said it won’t sign. Ian
Hislop has said that Private Eye is unlikely to.
Not to join the voluntary Charter club of officially respectable news publications would be a brave decision,
since it risks a heavy penalty: exemplary damages if found liable for a Charter-related
claim (defamation, privacy and some others); or an order to pay an unsuccessful litigant’s
legal costs even if the publisher wins.
Will a non-signatory then refuse to pay? At this point it gets quite interesting. Human rights arguments may possibly take the
sting out of sanctions for a Charter refusenik. But if it comes to it, when a publication’s
assets are seized - not for breaking hacking laws, or for bribing public
officials, or for doing anything else unlawful, but in the final analysis simply because
it refused to join the official club - the State coercion that
lurks in the shadows behind this scheme steps blinking into the light.
The notion that this is a voluntary arrangement, that there is
some fundamental difference between State regulation and statutory underpinning, is then
exposed for the fiction that it is. We
are back in the territory of village Hampdens, Milton, John Wilkes and the
rest. Some courageous little journal (or
perhaps, if the clauses remain in their current form, some unfortunate
smalltime blogmeister) will have the opportunity to become a Charter martyr.
The last time something comparable happened was not in the 17th
century, but 40 years ago. A plan with
remarkable similarities to the Charter, devised to tempt an unruly and
irresponsible bunch of institutions into joining a State approved scheme,
failed spectacularly when said bunch of irresponsibles refused to play the game
that the government of the day had designed for them.
The scheme was the 1971 Industrial Relations Act. The irresponsibles were the trade
unions. At the heart of the Act was a voluntary
registration scheme. The purpose of
registration was, according to Employment Secretary John (later Lord) Carr: “to
make trade unions responsible organisations and with freedom upon that
foundation of responsibility to conduct their activities in the ordinary way as
responsible representative bodies.” (Hansard, 26 November 1970). Familiar stuff.
A registered union had to have its rule book approved by the
Registrar. Unions had a choice whether
or not to register. But if a union
didn’t register it was at risk if its members went on strike. Unlike a registered union it had no immunity
from liability for inducing a breach of contract. It was thus exposed to injunctions preventing
strike action.
Behind all this were teeth, in the shape of the specially
created National Industrial Relations Court,
to which the Act gave jurisdiction over labour disputes.
The corporatist-minded Heath government, whose brainchild
the 1971 Act was, never seriously considered that the unions would not
register. But that is what
happened. Many unions, determined to maintain their independence from the State, refused to accept State
regulation of their activities and deregistered either from the start or later
on during the lengthy saga of resistance to the Act.
They took the loss of immunities on the chin.
Things got worse for the government. Strikes, NIRC injunctions, disobedience,
refusal to pay fines for contempt of court, strikers queuing up for martyrdom, imprisoned
strikers rescued by the Official Solicitor.
The government’s pet industrial relations scheme finally lay in shreds.
This time around hold-outs will come as less of a
surprise, and will not be backed by an organised mass labour movement. Seizure of assets to pay exemplary damages or
costs orders, rather than imprisonment or fines for contempt, are the more
likely end-point of the Charter scheme.
Once the scheme is in place the government will have no way of determining who is on the receiving end of sanctions. Politically that is a massive hostage to fortune. Like the 1971 Act and its imprisoned shop stewards, will the Charter eventually founder under the
weight of public opinion when the might of the state is deployed not against a
multinational publishing empire, but some small magazine or refusenik blog?
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