Saturday, 14 December 2019

Cyberleagle Christmas Quiz 2019

This year the answers (such as may exist) can be found in the about to be published 5th edition of Internet Law and Regulation.
  1. What is the essence of TV-ness?
  2. For the purposes of interception legislation, is there such a thing as a communication with no intended recipient?
  3. In which country did the first reported extradition for criminal copyright infringement take place?
  4. English defamation law recognises a targeting test for cross-border publication. True or false?
  5. A web site proprietor can be liable in negligence to users who rely on incorrect information on its site. True or false?
  6. Can new sites can be added to a site blocking injunction without the approval of the court?
  7. Is it defamatory to accuse someone of copying?
  8. English law recognises the concept of a dishonest device. True or false?
  9. The Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002 implement the EU Electronic Commerce Directive in English law. True or false?
  10. In English law, site blocking injunctions are limited to intellectual property infringement. True or false?
  11. Only a qualified electronic signature has legal effect equivalent to a handwritten signature. True or false?
  12. Under the Investigatory Powers Act 2016, is the web address ‘’ treated as content or as communications data?
  13. Can dishonest exploitation of a patent be a criminal offence?
  14. The Defamation Act 1996 superseded the common law subordinate disseminator defence. True or false?
  15. Can copyright subsist in a URL?
  16. Can an online intermediary can be bound by an injunction in proceedings to which it is not a party?
  17. Under the ECommerce Directive intermediary liability provisions, what is the difference between liability ‘because’ of a third party’s infringement and liability ‘in respect of’ it?
  18. How many times in a single judgment did one judge use stealing, theft, or similar epithets to describe internet copyright infringement?
  19. Linking to grossly offensive material can constitute an offence under S.127 Communications Act 2003. True or false?
  20. For a computer to computer communication, what is the meaning of meaning?

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