Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Everyman encounters Government

A dialogue for our times.

Government: We know what’s best for you.
Everyman: I think I’m the best judge of that.

G: Ah, but we know things that you don’t.

E: What things?

G: Can’t tell you, they are secret.

E: So how can I tell whether you are right?

G: You need to trust us on that.

E: Why should I trust you?

G: Because we are fighting your enemies.

E: Who are my enemies?

G: Can’t tell you, you might warn them.

E:  You don’t trust me?

G: No-one is above suspicion.

E: Am I a suspect?

G: We never comment on operational matters. But if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.

E: What do you know about me?

G: We never comment on intelligence matters.

E: Can you be trusted?

G: We always act proportionately and in accordance with the law.

E: Show me.

G: Don’t be silly, that’s secret.

E: How do I know you don’t think I’m your enemy?

G: You don’t.  But if you carry on asking questions we might put you on a list.

E: On what grounds?

G: That would be telling. 

E: When would you do it?

G: If it was necessary in the interests of national security.

E: Is that legal?

G: We always act proportionately and in accordance with the law.

E: How can I be sure of that?

G: Trust us.  We know best.

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