The new European Commission Green Paper “Preparing for a
Fully Converged Audiovisual World: Growth, Creation and Values” seems to have
been a mouthful even for the Commission’s own PR department. The press release translates it into ‘Internet on TV, TV on Internet’ - which
does give a better flavour of what the Green Paper is about.
But I am afraid I tired of the DG-speak. I started to imagine the 2013 Convergence Green Paper that the Commission could have written, but didn’t.
The Green Paper is a typical Commission mixture of current technology
trends (dual screening gets a mention), market statistics leavened with a few anecdotes,
lobbyists’ issues of the moment and hints of interventions that the Commission may
have in mind for the future. These are all underpinned by an unwavering belief in the efficacy
of State-led intervention to achieve the Commission’s chosen public policy objectives.
As is de rigeur in
documents such as this, the Commission has a grand vision:
“to seize the opportunity of this
changing technological environment to ensure the widest possible access to
European diversified content for all Europeans and, the widest choice of high
quality offers”.
That hints of a more interventionist Fortress Europe attitude
than the Commission’s December 1997 Convergence Green Paper (PDF):
“This first step is intended to
pave the way for the development of an appropriate regulatory environment which
will facilitate the full achievement of the opportunities offered by the
Information Society, in the interests of Europe and its citizens as the 21st
century begins.”
Beyond the grand vision there is some fairly controversial stuff
in the new Green Paper, particularly around the possibility of extending the Audiovisual Media
Services Directive both in scope and to non-EU service providers. But I am afraid I tired of the DG-speak. I started to imagine the 2013 Convergence Green Paper that the Commission could have written, but didn’t.
Here it is.
“15 years ago, in December 1997, we at the Commission published a Convergence
Green Paper. We said:
“… the Commission's Communication
on electronic commerce … proposed the principle of 'no regulation for
regulation's sake'. This principle
applies equally to all areas of convergence.”
We tentatively suggested five key regulatory principles that
should govern our activity in the field of convergence. They included:
“Regulation should be limited to what is strictly
necessary to achieve clearly identified objectives.”
Of those five regulatory principles that we suggested in 1997,
this remains the most important. We
observed then that:
“public authorities must avoid approaches
which lead to over-regulation, or which simply seek to extend existing rules in
the telecommunications and media sectors to areas and activities which are
largely unregulated today.”
The Commission recognises that the pursuit by government of general
policy goals – such as media pluralism, cultural diversity, protection of
consumers and minors, media literacy – carries with it the potential for unintended
consequences and regulatory failure and to undo the general good that comes from
freedom of private action. The
Commission appreciates that government failure is a more significant risk than
market failure.
Adhering to the principle of strict necessity, the
Commission’s goal now must be to clear away all regulatory and legislative obstacles
to future innovation in the audiovisual sphere.
The only permissible exception can be regulation that is conclusively demonstrated,
by the most stringent criteria, to be both necessary and effective for the achievement
of a generally agreed legitimate public policy objective; which carries a demonstrably
minimal risk of unintended or damaging negative consequences, risk of regulatory
capture or other regulatory failure; and which does not disproportionately interfere
in fundamental human rights, in particular the right of freedom of speech.
The Commission recognises that the internet has brought forth
the greatest flowering of individual communication and access to knowledge
since the dawn of mankind. Speech on the
internet is a delicate flower which must not be damaged. The Commission applauds the comments in the
Joint Dissenting Opinion in the recent Animal Defenders case in the European Court of Human Rights:
“there seems to be an inherent
contradiction in a viable democracy safeguarded by broadcasting restrictions. … A robust democracy is not
helped by well-intentioned paternalism.”
Stated simply, the Commission’s role is now to clear the field
of regulation and move out of the way. This will
enable the peoples of Europe to make their own viewing and listening choices at
all levels: international, nation, group, community and individual. If some people prefer Disney to Hugo, that
is an expression of their individual autonomy and right to
cultural self-determination. As such it is outside
the legitimate sphere of action of the Commission.
Each person in Europe must be free to choose and pursue
their own personal goals. It is not for the
Commission to formulate policy goals and then to expect private actors,
economic or otherwise, to pursue objectives that we set for them. The
Commission does not know what form any future innovation will take, or what the
pace of innovation will be. Nor can it ever
know. It is not the Commission’s place
to attempt predictions, still less to formulate interventions based upon them.
The Commission does not believe that it should set concrete
targets to be achieved by some arbitrary future date. We at the Commission shiver with
embarrassment at the memory of the programme to ‘Complete the European Single
Market by 31 December 1992’ - for all the world like some Soviet era tractor
production plan.
The Commission recognises that innovation brings change. It is no part of the Commission’s role to
save legacy actors from the consequences of change, nor to try to influence future
change in a particular direction. The
Commission recognises that any adverse consequences of change for particular
sectoral and vested interests are outside the Commission’s legitimate sphere of
action. The Commission strongly believes
that the European taxpayer should not to be compelled to subsidise historic
industries in the name of cultural diversity.
Turning specifically to the audio-visual sector, in the 1997
Green Paper the Commission said:
"… convergence may lead to
less regulation in telecommunications and media sectors, and should not lead to
more regulation in areas such as IT."
"Convergence may challenge
current regulatory approaches, particularly, with regard to licensing of
networks and allocation of resources, where such approaches reflect a perceived
scarcity of both radio-frequency and of content."
"…in a fully digital
environment, scarcity may over time become a less significant issue, calling for
current regulatory approaches to be reassessed."
Since scarcity has now all but disappeared, other than where
artificially created by regulation, the time has come to reassess current regulatory
Ideally the Commission would propose to sweep away the
archaic structures of broadcast regulation, which have their roots in the
government spectrum grabs of the mid 20th century. However we recognise that most Member States
will continue to cling to these regulatory models like the man with the red
flag in front of the early motor car.
Pragmatically, broadcast regulation is likely to wither as it
becomes less and less relevant. It is
however imperative, as articulated in the 1997 Green Paper, to prevent outdated
broadcast regulatory models from spreading any further, especially to the
internet. We now realise that it was a
serious error in the AVMS Directive to extend regulation to so-called ‘TV-like’
on-demand services. We will roll that
back at the earliest opportunity.
The cross-border aspect of the internet is becoming increasingly significant. The AVMS Directive does not
apply to services originating outside the EU.
The Commission recognises that the people of Europe are readily able to
understand that incoming foreign services are created under different sets of
legal standards and to appreciate those services in that context.
In the spirit of international cultural diversity the
Commission believes that the fewest possible obstacles should be put in the way
of incoming non-EU services, including where they are targeted at the EU. The Commission would regard it as an act of unwarranted
arrogance for the EU to seek to apply its content laws to services originating
in non-EU countries and regions.
The choice of European citizens to access and be informed about non-EU
services that may not adhere to European content laws or standards should therefore not be denied or hindered by any Member State. The Commission especially welcomes the opportunity
for European citizens to share in the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the